
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Oilmen Fund Anti-Global Warming Groups

The Young Turk lays it down about global warming, its doubts and its funders.

Who has to gain from denying it?
Why are solar caps melting ?

To much toxins in the air and not enough Trees to recycle it, We are killing the planet slowly, but when push, come to shove, the planet will get rid of us in seconds.God wrath on earth is witness by millions, from all nations and colors.

When will we understand that the earth works on a delicate system which must be nurished and taken care of,as it takes care of us 99.5 % of the time.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

2012: The Fall of the Aztecs.Mayan Calendar. The Serpent god of the Cross Returns.

We are commonly asked about the buildings which remain standing. Most were destroyed. What we see are those in remote areas and those which were so incredibly massive in size it was impossible to destroy them, even with the use of cannons. However, the entire Aztec capital was destroyed, and in its place is the capital of Mexico, Mexico City, and its hundreds of Catholic churches and cathedrals.

We are also asked if we believe the world will end in 2012? The answer is: "no." The next cycle of the Mayan calendar ends on 2012. Does this mean the Maya's believed the world end on 2012? No. It means the calendar ends. Yet, there is also a warning, and we must learn from the past, so let those with eyes, see.

Aztec Doomsday End of World?

The Maya's "Long Count" calendar marks the end of every 5126-year era. A previous cycle ended 13,363 years ago--during the age of Leo, at the same time when the Earth was struck by comets and asteroids. The next cycle ends on 2012. Does this mean the world end on 2012? No. It means the calendar ends. Yet, there is also a warning, so let those with eyes, see. .

A documentary film by Rhawn Joseph, Ph.D.

Osama Bin Laden - Dead since 2001

Barack Obama has launched a fresh operation to find him. Working with the Pakistani Army, elite squads of U.S. and British special forces were sent into Waziristan this summer to 'hunt and kill' the shadowy figure intelligence officers still call 'the principal target' of the war on terror.

This new offensive is, of course, based on the premise that the 9/11 terrorist is alive. After all, there are the plethora of 'Bin Laden tapes' to prove it.

Yet what if he isn't? What if he has been dead for years, and the British and U.S. intelligence services are actually playing a game of double bluff?

What if everything we have seen or heard of him on video and audio tapes since the early days after 9/11 is a fake - and that he is being kept 'alive' by the Western allies to stir up support for the war on terror?

Incredibly, this is the breathtaking theory that is gaining credence among political commentators, respected academics and even terror experts.

Of course, there have been any number of conspiracy theories concerning 9/11, and it could be this is just another one.

But the weight of opinion now swinging behind the possibility that Bin Laden is dead - and the accumulating evidence that supports it - makes the notion, at the very least, worthy of examination.

Nuclear footage - Must see

Nuclear War: Atomic Explosions. Hydrogen Bombs Hiroshima: World War III. A film by Rhawn Joseph. Ph.D. "Many of the nuclear scenes from this film, including nuclear blasts that did not appear in this film, can also be seen in the spectacular film "Trinity and Beyond" directed by Peter Kuran. We highly recommend this film." By Rhawn Joseph, Ph.D.

World War One a brief explaination-1914 - 1918 Map

Amazing how a few countries can influence the ENTIRE WORLD.

The Total amount of soldiers involved in conflict 73 million, total lives lost has no exact figures, but you can imagin it indeed a very large number.


The following article, The Jews of Iraq, is the result of an interview conducted by The Link on March 16, 1998. The article was published in the [?] edition of The Link. The interviewee, Naeim Giladi, an Iraqi Jew and a former Zionist is the author of "Ben Gurion's Scandals: How the Haganah & the Mossad Eliminated Jews".

In his book, Ben Gurion's Scandals, Mr. Giladi discusses the crimes committed by Zionists in their frenzy to import raw Jewish labor. Newly-vacated farmlands had to be plowed to provide food for the immigrants and the military ranks had to be filled with conscripts to defend the illegitimately repossesed lands.

Mr. Giladi couldn't get his book published in Israel, and even in the U.S. he discovered that he could do so only by personally funding the project.

The Giladis, now U.S. citizens, live in New York City. By choice, they no longer hold Israeli citizenship. "I am Iraqi," he told The Link, "born in Iraq, my culture still Iraqi Arabic, my religion Jewish, my citizenship American."

The Link, honored in 1998 by the International Writers and Artists Association, is published by Americans for Middle East Understanding (AMEU).

In the [?] edition of The Link, Israeli historian Ilan Pappe looked at the hundreds of thousands of indigenous Palestinians whose lives were uprooted to make room for foreigners who would come to populate land confiscated by the Zionists. Most were Ashkenazi Jews from Eastern Europe. But over half a million other Jews came from Islamic lands. Zionist propagandists claim that Israel "rescued" these Jews from their anti-Jewish, Muslim neighbors. One of those "rescued" Jews, Naeim Giladi, knows otherwise.

Naeim Giladi: "I write this article for the same reason I wrote my book: to tell the American people, and especially American Jews, that Jews from Islamic lands did not emigrate willingly to Israel; that, to force them to leave, Jews killed Jews; and that, to buy time to confiscate ever more Arab lands, Jews on numerous occasions rejected genuine peace initiatives from their Arab neighbors. I write about what the first Prime Minister of Israel called 'cruel Zionism'. I write about it because I was part of it."

John F. Mahoney, Executive Director, AMEU: "The Link interviewed Naeim Giladi, a Jew from Iraq, for three hours on March 16, 1998, two days prior to his 69th birthday. For nearly two other delightful hours, we were treated to a multi-course Arabic meal prepared by his wife Rachael, who is also Iraqi. "It's our Arab culture," he said proudly".

Face to Face a child with a rock vs soldier with gun

This video demonstrates that, No gun or weapon built can ever contain whats in the HEART. There is a truth which is worth dieing for and there are falsehoods which are not. It's clear who is the oppressor and who is running, it's not running from certain death, for the blow of a small rock thrown by a child will not inflict that much damage. It's running of fear that I don't belong here, and this is an unjust fight. Maybe the soldier truly believes in God and at that moment he was overwhelmed with fear as this child looked like something else.

Palestine and it's struggle will be victories, because Justice is on their side.

Why the settlements under pressure

Why are we asking this now?

Because the US administration appears to be serious about getting Israel to freeze Jewish settlement construction in the West Bank. Previous US administrations said they wanted a freeze but in practice allowed Israel to continue with at least some building.

How did the settlements come about?

Related articles
•Israel rejects US plea to halt settlement building
Search the news archive for more stories
In the aftermath of Israel's victory in the 1967 Six Day War, which left it in control of Gaza and the West Bank (as well as the Golan Heights) successive governments gradually allowed, and eventually effectively managed, the creation of more and more civilian Israeli communities in occupied territory.

Several forces converged to encourage this growth: religious Zionists and others on the ideological right who believed in a greater Israel stretching from the Jordan to the Mediterranean and that the West Bank – or Judaea and Samaria, as they invariably call it – had been "liberated" by the Six Day War; elements in the military establishment who believed it would enhance Israeli security; and politicians who believed that it made sense to grab as much territory as possible for Jewish residents, to improve Israel's bargaining position in any future peace talks.


Israeli army embarrassed by video - Watch, see Why

JERUSALEM - The Israeli army has expressed a note of contrition after a television station aired a videotape showing an army assault on a Palestinian home in which a mother of five children died.

When CBC News spoke with Ismail Hawarjeh at Bethlehem's hospital earlier this month, there was no way to verify the story he told about how his wife had died, until Israel's Channel 2 broacast the tape last weekend"

Prophesies revealed 1400 years ago of judgment day

* Camels will no longer be used as a means of transport;
* People will ride on saddles that aren't saddles (cars?)
* The distance on earth will become short;
* Horses will not be used in wars;
* Muslims will defeat the Byzantines which will end with the conquest of Constantinople( Istanbul)
* The Jews will gather again to live in Bilad Canaan;
* Very tall buildings will be built;
* The disappearance of knowledge and the appearance of ignorance, with much killing;
* Adultery will become widespread, and the drinking of wine will become common;
* The number of men will decrease and the number of women will increase until there are 50 women to be looked after by one man.
* Islam will become worn out like clothes are, until no one will know what fasting, prayer, charity and rituals are;
* Allah will send a disease to fornicators that will have no cure (Aids?);
* People will begin to believe in the stars and reject AL QADAR (THE DIVINE DECREE OF DESTINY);
* Men will pass by people's graves and say: 'Would that I was in his place'; (large amount of suicidal deaths?)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Jews Mossad Israel 911 Box Cutter Video

Jews Mossad Israel 911 Box Cutter Video 10

World trade center towers & building 7 collapsed at free fall speed. Pancake theory is not only impossible, it is an insult to the intelligence of the world. Pancaking floors, arabs with box cutters, vaporizing airplanes, airplanes missing from airplane crash sites, alive hijackers, flying inches above the ground at the pentagon, flight 93 shot down. 911 was an inside job!
World Trade Center, Pentagon, Building 7, WTC, 911. September 11th, World Trade Center, George Bush, Pentagon, Flight 77, Flight 93, Flight 175, Flight 11, New World Order, inside job, Palestine,Zionist,Organization of America, Chaim Weizmann, Palestine, Zionism, September 11th, 911, 9/11, Israel, Israeli, Jewish, John Sack, Alfred Lilienthal, Noam Chomsky, Israel Shahak, Benjamin Freedman, Victor Ostrovsky, Neturei Karta, Anti Defamation League, anti Semite, Germany, Austria, Ottoman Turks, Bernard Baruch, Louis Brandeis, Paul Warburg, Jacob Schiff, Woodrow Wilson, Lusitania incident, Treaty of Versailles, Balfour Declaration, Benjamin Freedman, Adolf Hitler, Vladimir Jabotinksy, Lord Beaverbrook, Poland, Great Britain, France, Charles Lindbergh, Pearl Harbor, Japan, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Zionist lobby, Law of Return, Judaism, Khazars, Arabs, Lavon Affair, USS Liberty, Mossad, Henry Ford, Admiral Thomas Moorer, Billy Graham, Richard Nixon, AIPAC, Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, Douglass Feith, Condoleeza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld, Ari Shavit, Bill Clinton, 1967 war, Yasser Arafat, Yitzhak Rabin, Ariel Sharon, Sabra Shatila refugee camps, West Bank, Gaza, Deir Yassin, World Trade Center, Pentagon,Bombing Former Mossad agent describes various Mossad missions. Israel False flag Mossad Zioinist Jewish Jew USS Liberty, Lavon affair, Tripoli, Reagan, George Bush, Frame, Covert, sayanim, World Trade Center, Pentagon, Building 7, WTC, 911. September 11th, World Trade Center, George Bush, Pentagon, Flight 77, Flight 93, Flight 175, Flight 11, New World Order, inside job, On the 4th day of the 6 day war Israeli Fighter jets and torpedo boats attacked the USS Liberty killing 34 and wounding 171. This documentary contains the Israeli version of events along with the survivors version of events. This should go a long way in determining who is not telling the truth. It also shows how the US government places israel's interests above that of their own military personnel Israel, mossad and 911. 9/11 September 11th 2001 & The Attacks on the World Trade Center North Tower, South Tower, Building 7 or 7 World Trade Center along with Flight 77 at the Pentagon and Flight 93 (Lets Roll) Loose Change, Lose Change, World Trade Center, Pentagon, Building 7, WTC, 911. September 11th, World Trade Center, George Bush, Pentagon, Flight 77, Flight 93, Flight 175, Flight 11, New World Order, inside job

History Of Mossad

Friday, March 19, 2010

Why the west should heed Japan's economic lead

So Japan's a regimented country, with a cowed people fearful of breaking rules? Hardly. I've never seen so many people laughing, smiling and relaxed. Japan is the most equal society on earth. The top 10% of earners have 4.5 times the income of the bottom 10%. In Britain the top 10% grab 13.8 times the share taken by the lowest 10%.

I suppose I was experiencing a street-level view of Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett's superb book The Spirit Level: Why More Equal Societies Almost Always Do Better. Yet in a week spent visiting companies, speaking to economists and interrogating investment analysts, I think I was supposed to reach a rather different conclusion.

The Anglo-American school of capitalism scoffs at Japan. It's a bubble economy that burst and which, two decades later, still can't revive. Companies won't shed labour or cut costs. Runaway public spending floods into pork-barrel construction projects creating a fiscal deficit that makes even Greece look prudent. The country is, they say, quite literally on a road (and a bridge, and a tunnel) to nowhere. Meanwhile in the west – but especially in the US – dynamic capitalism destroys but then renews.

If your head never left the pages of right-wing economic textbooks (and you swallow the guff that manufacturing doesn't matter any more) you might believe all this. Indeed, World Bank figures show that back in 1995, Japan's nominal GDP was $5.3tn (£3.5tn), or not that far short of the US's $7.3tn. Since then, Japan's nominal GDP has actually fallen to $5.1tn, while the US is now at $14.3tn. The economic evidence is clear: Japan is a basket case, and the US is our only model.

Yet there are no Detroits in this supposedly failing economy. Instead you realise the price we pay for winner-takes-all capitalism. Arriving back in Britain, I came through BAA's gruesome Heathrow terminal three (thank you, the money makers behind its debt-laden takeover). In the underground, I shoved coins into the ticket vending machine. Of course it was broken. The District, Circle and Jubilee lines were all out of action (thank you, public/private partnership). At Victoria, I boarded a depressingly dirty train (thank you, train-leasing financiers).

Japan has its problems, not least its 200%-plus public sector debt. But it has a lot to teach us about social cohesion, while still producing world-class companies – and bosses who take pay cuts rather than make redundancies.

Source 1

Ai Weiwei: 'Life is never guaranteed to be safe'

Ai Weiwei, the Chinese artist who will soon take over Tate Modern's Turbine Hall, on why he wants to tell people that it's OK to speak out


The 445 Million Year Old Crab

As you can see, the horseshoe crab isn’t the most captivating wildlife star in terms of looks. But then I guess a lot of creatures that pre-dated the dinosaurs weren’t going for looks. The angular part of their shell above their eyes makes it seem like they have a permanent scowl. Horseshoe crabs actually belong to an animal group called chelicerates, which are closer to spiders than crabs.

Horseshoe crabs have more amazing features than just their looks. Their blood has hemocyanin in it instead of the common hemoglobin. This means that their blood really is blue unlike ours, which only looks blue until it touches air. The females provide the energy source that fuels America’s greatest wildlife spectacle: eggs (60,000-120,000 apiece to be specific).

Eggs are super-nutritious and humans aren’t the only species that know this. Birds know it too. They also know that horseshoe crab spawning climaxes during the last new or full moon of May. This is when the tides are the strongest and crabs can get the farthest onshore. Almost one million birds converge on the mid-Atlantic coast of the United States.

Red knots, the star migratory bird species, travel the farthest. Coming all the way from Chile, with no breaks since Brazil, the birds arrive at the point of starvation. They spend a few weeks fattening up and then fly on to their breeding ground in Canada. All told, they’ll cover over 10,000 miles.

Unfortunately, the migration has lost some of its intensity in the past two decades. Horseshoe crabs have been overharvested for use as bait, fertilizer, and blood for drugs. Fewer horseshoe crabs meant fewer eggs, and thus more hungry birds, which either didn’t reproduce or died. Red knot population numbers have plummeted from over 100,000 to 25,000. With new protections for horseshoe crabs, hopefully these numbers will rebound, but because horseshoe crab females take 10 years to reach a reproductive age, we’ll have to be patient like the birds and wait for the right time to see results.

Bluefin tuna loses out simply because scarce fish make a profit

Idiots. Morons. Blockheads. Numbskulls. Nothing quite captures the mind-withering stupidity of what has just happened in Doha. Swayed by Japan and a number of other countries, some of them doubtless bought off in traditional fashion, the members of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (Cites) have decided not to protect the Atlantic bluefin tuna.

Those who opposed suspending trade in the species argued that the temporary ban proposed by Monaco would devastate their fishing industries. There is some truth in this: for the years in which bluefin stocks would have been allowed to recover, the export ban would have put people out of work and reduced the output of their industry. But the absence of a ban ensures that, after one or two more seasons of fishing at current levels, all the jobs and the entire industry are finished forever, along with the magnificent species that supported them. The insistence that the fishing can continue without consequences betrays Olympic-class denial, a flat refusal to look reality in the face.

One of the commenters on a Guardian thread this week, who lives in Japan and uses the tag Kimpatsu, related his experiences of trying to discuss these issues.

"the Japanese policy towards both Bluefin tuna and whales has two engines of motivation. The first is the fact that the average Japanese is in denial about the imminent extinction of these creatures; the thought runs that as they have always eaten these animals (and many Japanese mistakenly think that the whale is a fish) since time immemorial, they will be able to continue doing so indefinitely into the future. When pressed on the subject of hunting to extinction, they grow aggressive. (I know from personal experience.) The second reason is the low-grade paranoia that informs all Japanese interaction with the outside world; the notion of Nihon tataki (Japan-bashing) is omnipresent. If you protest against whaling or tuna fishing, you're a cultural imperialist. If you point out that some Japanese are members of Greenpeace or oppose whaling (my GP is one), then "you don't understand Japanese mind so much". Remember: all your actions against whaling and overfishing are driven by a deep-seated, irrational hatred of Japan. Consequently, when you push, they push back."

I have no idea how representative this is, but the attitudes Kimpatsu describes were powerfully represented in The Cove, the film about the secret dolphin slaughter in Japan which won the 2010 Oscar for best documentary. The massacre it exposed is pointless, counter-productive and profoundly damaging to Japan's international image, but it was fiercely defended by what seemed to be the entire political establishment. Denial is evident everywhere on earth, but in the Japanese fishing and whaling industries it seems to have been raised to an art-form.

Source 1

Tories criticise UK for failing to support 20-year ban on African ivory sales

The Conservatives today criticised the government for failing to support proposals from a number of African countries to impose a 20-year ban on any legal sales of ivory.

The plan, led by Kenya, is being discussed at the meeting of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (Cites) in a bid to tackle the poaching of elephants and rhino.

It counters a bid by Tanzania and Zambia to hold one-off sales of their legally held ivory and "downlist" their elephants from the highest level of protection.

The UK government said it was initially "sympathetic" to the Kenyan proposals, subject to a review after 10 years of the scheme, but the EU, which votes as a bloc at Cites, decided not to back it. But on a Cites vote this week on whether to ban the international trade in bluefin tuna, the UK acted alone rather than as a bloc with Europe and chose to support the Monaco proposal of opposing the ban.

There are concerns that, if the one-off sales of ivory from four African countries in 2008 results in a lower demand for illegal ivory, a 20-year moratorium would not be a positive step.

But conservationists have raised fears over a rise in illegal trade and poaching following the sales, which they believe stimulate the market and provide a cover for traders to offload illegal stocks.

Shadow environment secretary Nick Herbert said the government had "shamefully" refused to support the Kenyan proposal for a ban on sales and continued to back stockpiling of legal ivory - for example from animals which had died naturally.

"Instead of flooding the market with more ivory and legitimising the trade, these stockpiles should be destroyed. We should be choking demand for ivory, not stoking it," he said.

Game Called Muslim Massacre

Computer games in which players aim to kill as many people as possible are, sadly, pretty common. But what sets "Muslim Massacre - the game of modern religious genocide" - apart from the others is that an American soldier sets out to "wipe out" the entire Muslim race. Worse still, the game is available free on the internet, with no restrictions to prevent children and the vulnerable from accessing it.

The world wide web is one area that the law still struggles to regulate.

Some may see the game as a parody of American foreign policy and point out that it is aimed at adults, rather than children. After all, the average US video game player is a 35-year-old man.

But the game reaches a new low in bad taste and contains a blatantly destructive message. The game's premise is that the US has declared war on Islam and invites players to take control of the American "hero" who will wipe out the Muslim race with "an arsenal of the world's most destructive weapons".

The "hero" uses machine guns and rocket launchers to kill as many Muslims as possible - ranging from terrorists and what appear to be civilians to Osama bin Laden, Muhammad and Allah.

The game's creator, a freelance programmer called Sigvatr, describes the game as "fun and funny" and says to his critics: "Don't whinge about how offensive and 'edgy' this is."

He says: "Ultimately it's just a game where you blow the gently caress (slang for a common swear word) out of Arabs…I don't even know how to interpret it myself anymore. The bottom line is that I enjoyed making it and it's fun to play."

Later he adds: "The Muslims represented in the game aren't meant to be based on actual Muslims.

"If I was to try and come up with a meaning for the game at this moment, it would probably be something along the lines of metaphorically destroying the stereotypical depiction of a Muslim."

That's not the way some Muslim groups see it. The Ramadhan Foundation says the game is "unacceptable, tasteless and deeply offensive".

The Ramadhan responce

The Ramadhan Foundation expresses its deep condemnation and anger at the computer game released called Muslim massacre. This game is glorifying the killing of Muslims in the Middle East and we urge ISP providers to take action to remove this site from their services as it incites violence towards Muslims and is trying to justify the killing of innocent Muslims.

We have written to the British Government today to urge an inquiry into this game and take action to shut down the site; this is not satire but a deliberate attempt to demonise Muslims.

Mr. Mohammed Shafiq, Chief Executive of the Foundation comments:

“Encouraging children and young people in a game to kill Muslims is unacceptable, tasteless and deeply offensive.

'There is an increase in violence in this country and some of it comes from video games.

'When kids spend six hours a day on violent games they are more likely to go outside and commit violence.

'If it was the other way around, with a game featuring Muslims killing Israelis or Americans, there would be uproar and rightly so.

I would urge ISPs to take action against sites like this and there can be no justification for this sort of video game, I hope the person who made this game thinks again.